
Ashish Kyal Journey as a Trader and Mentor

I have been getting lot of queries to learn application of technical analysis Elliott Waves with Time cycles as an ongoing process. I remember more than decades ago when I was studying trade setups I was searching for mentor for months so as to guide me where I was going wrong when trades didn’t work, when I took profits market continued to rise but only I was sitting on sideline and markets reversed only after hitting my stops.

Did it happen to you as well?

My longing to be a disciplined and good trader I kept searching until I finally found my mentors Mark Galweiski of EWI, Walter Murphy an expert US market option traders. My application of Elliott wave for trading options took a big break through. I then realized the importance of a mentor if you want to make your career as a trader for life.

My learning never stopped and in my quest of Trading I am now applying from the most basics to anything available in technical analysis. I worked for US firm Lehman Brothers which later filed for bankruptcy and I started looking at stocks like never before. It showed anything is possible in markets when prices can go 1000% higher or 99.99% lower. Yes, I have seen that happening practically.

I want to give my learning of years in this mentorship program because I know the pain of not having one.

Many videos, concepts are available free online but to select winners it takes certain amount of attention and methods that a mentor can give.

Trust me this as an investment for brighter tomorrow and not just fees for yet another course. I am extremely passionate about what I do and I am thrilled to share my everyday insights with my every mentee.

Upcoming Mentorship: It doesn’t matter if you are just starting or already having years of experience. Everyone needs a mentor to become better in life. The methods of Time forecasting to predict reversal dates along with other powerful trade setups will be shared in this 3 months of Mentorship Program and 32 hours of class room training includes OTTA ( Option Trading using Technical Analysis)  and MOW ( Master of Waves) S-2 + 30 hours of online access of Master of Technical Analysis (MOTA), Advanced Technical analysis module + Master of Cycles (MOC) + Elliott wave video links  

For any query Contact on +919920422202

Become a wonderful Trader!


Ashish Kyal,

B.E., MBA, CMT, Author of an International Book

Mentorship on Timing The Market

Trade-in Real-Time With Discipline and Confidence. A Scientific Approach to Successful Trading Starts July 2024